Testing the Digital Twin of electrical power rectifier
Run Speedgoat Performance real time target machine in Digital Twin mode with AC/DC 6-pulse bridge (B6) electrical power rectifier 50A, 440V and 26kW DC motor
Operating modes with various faults were set on the physical equipment, in certain thyristors. Speedgoat Performance real time machine was running in Digital Twin mode. The purpose of using the Speedgoat Performance real time machine was to test the Fault detection algorithm, indicating the location and cause of the failure. This Fault detection algorithm allows to detect failure in the early stage.
Physical hardware:
AC/DC 6-pulse 4Q bridge (B6) electrical power rectifier 50A, 440V,
DC motor 2ПФ 2001ПГ 26kW, 67А, 440V, 1300/2500 rpm, excitation 5A, 220V,
Speedgoat Performance real time target machine
archiving and visualization computer
set of voltage, currents sensors.
The Digital Twin consists of:
AC/DC 6-pulse 4Q bridge (B6) electrical power rectifier,
DC motor,
electrical grid
Fault detection algorithm
The main control software was developed in Matlab / Simulink. The Digital Twin run on Speedgoat Performance real time machine with 100 µs sample time.
Detected faults:
Failure to turn on / off the thyristor:
switching on the thyristor at the point of natural commutation (with angle α = 0 electrical deg.);
switching on the thyristor with an angle α <αnom;
switching on the thyristor with angle α> αnom;
not switching on the thyristor.
Undervoltage / overvoltage control